Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yes Woman- That's me!

New Year's.
A time for parties, champagne, and a fresh start.
The time of year when many people pick and attempt to stick to a resolution.
The norms include: eating healthier, joining a gym, quitting smoking, and just eliminating bad habits.

I don't normally make resolutions... so I am not going to this year.. instead I have challenged myself, and to make it non- resoluntiony( I know that isn't a word) I started a week before the new year.

What have I challenged myself to do?

Ahh, I have decided to say "yes" more.

Sound familiar? Well if it does you may have watched the movie Yes Man or read the book of the same name.

I am not going to go to quite the extremes that Jim Carrey's character went to but I am going to push my self out of my comfort zone. I plan on keeping my merry band of followers, all three of you, updated throughout my journey so stay tuned.

Here's a clip from Yes Man: 

Good luck with your "challenges" and whatnot.


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