Friday, January 8, 2010

Sitting in basements with boys.

It's a smelly job but someone's got to do it. Well, no, I don't have too... but I was here first.

(Why is it smelly? Lot's and lot's of farts. Boys are gross.)

At this moment I am sitting in my basement next to my younger brothers wrestling teammate, Patrick.

Fun side note, Patrick is under the impression that I hate him.

As stated earlier I was down in the "lair" first and got very very very comfortable. I had planned on watching a movie and ichatting with a friend or two but my brother managed to screw that up.

He simply came home. Looked at me with those big brown eyes and said, "Can Pat and I watch (insert name of anime show here)?"

I should have said no... alas... my brother has passed out and now I am blogging next to his very funny friend who believes I hate him.

It's really the only way to spend a Friday night.

At least I have the SUB retreat to look forward to!!

How am I owning this situation?

Good o'le conversation. 

The kid prob still thinks I hate him but whatevs....

P.S. Patrick won. Long story but I do admit defeat when I lose... which isn't often.


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