Saturday, September 5, 2009

How to own a blog, Tapanga Malanga style.

Howdy! I'm Ta-Ta-Ta Tapanga Malanga.

Hmmm, Tapanga Malanga, you are probably wondering what that's all about. My name is not Tapanga, but you probably guessed that. I mean, what kind of parents would give their child such a ridiculous name, well they wouldn't but high school would. At least it did in my case. It started due to a resemblance to a certain Boy Meets World character, a resemblance that I do not see. It quickly turned into a very catchy nickname, mostly due to the fact that it rhymes with my last name.

I haven't always liked that nickname but as I sit here and write this I realize that it is a part of who I am. I own it.

I own a lot of things and that is actually what this blog is going to be about, owning stuff.

I don't mean purchase I mean OWN. You own something by making it yours with no questions asked... I'm kind of an expert and I am going to make it my mission to help you own too.

Still don't get it? Here's a few examples of things you can own:

The way you walk
The way you talk. .

The way you wear your hair.

And soooo much more.

When it comes down to it it's all about confidence. And that is one thing I am familiar with. You could actually call me overly confident, something that I REALLY own.

On top of doing my communications homework on here I plan on making this an interesting and applicable blog for anyone who comes upon it.

I would love to get suggestions on what people would like to own... like how to own (properly wear) a cowboy hat or how to own (rock) a hole in your tights.

Speaking of owning a cowboy hat.

You name it and I’ll show you how to own it.

I'm looking forward to a great semester and a great year! Let's own it!!!


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