Thursday, September 10, 2009

Webby Winners: How to own a Webby.

While I was browsing the Webby Award Winners page I had a lot of trouble picking a page to observe. They were so many different categories. I eventually chose While I was playing around on the site I noticed that all of the aesthetic engagement points we learned about in class were applied. Which lead to the realization that to own a Webby one must own those points.

Let me eleborate by presenting: How to Own a Webby (Sundance Edition)

To win a Webby one must own a stellar site. It has to meet certain criteria. The easiest way to own  a Webby is to make sure your site hits certain Aesthetic Engagement points.

The Sundance Channel is one of those winners so I thought I would use them as an example of how to own.

Sensory: Whe you arrive on the main page you are struck by the images. The site is sleek and very modern yet somehow timeless.

Representative: While browsing the site you are hit with many symbolic photos and videos. (I urge you to check out the work of Brue Weber, he is a genius!)

Appreciative: Everything that Sundace posts has a deep meaning behind it so pretty much everything you see is appreciative.

Formal Connections- Logos: The style is unique. It's very mod and very SUNDANCE.

Emotional Connections- Pathos: I get a calm feeling when browsing this site. How does it make you feel?

Individual Connections- Ethos: I can totally relate to this site because of m love of indeoendant films. Do you have any conection?

Sundance has a great site which is totally how they won. They own by touching on all the Aesthetic Engagement points... do you want your site to own too? Take notes from them.

Keep owning my friends!


Anonymous said...

This was a good site. I get the calm that you're mentioning. There's so much information on there but it's still uncluttered and visually appealing.

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